Are you reluctant to sit cross-legged on your meditation cushion for an evening meditation? Maybe you know you'll sleep better after doing a meditation, but don't have the energy to sit in an active meditation position. What if we told you that you can also meditate in bed? We'll give you 5 ways to meditate lying down before sleeping.
How do you meditate before sleeping?
If you're familiar with the different meditation poses, you may have already recognized the option to meditate lying down. In fact, some meditation exercises (such as body scan meditation or Yoga Nidra) work best when practiced lying down.
The quality of your sleep has a huge impact on the quality of your life. That's why it's important to give your body and mind the rest they need. Meditating before bed stops racing thoughts and makes it easier to fall asleep.
Perhaps the best thing about the following meditation exercises is that they take little energy and you can do them from the comfort of your own bed. Lie in bed, make yourself as comfortable as possible (you may want to put a pillow under your knees) and play one of the following guided meditations.
1. Yoga Nidra
If you have trouble falling asleep or suffer from sleep problems, Yoga Nidra can help you fall asleep faster. Yoga Nidra is often practiced lying down, making it perfect to do in bed before going to sleep.
A Yoga Nidra session consists of a series of body, breathing and awareness techniques designed to clear your head, so that your mind is quieted and you eventually fall asleep.
Interested in trying a Yoga Nidra session? The Yoga Nidra session for deep sleep from the Meditation Moments app relaxes your body and calms your mind before bed.
2. Bodyscan meditation
A bodyscan meditation is another exercise that lends itself well to doing in bed. You can actually think of a body scan as a mental X-ray that slowly takes a scan of your body. During a body scan, you scan your body for pain, tension or anything unusual.
We all know how difficult it can be to fall asleep when you experience pain or tension in your body. The goal of a body scan meditation is to become aware of, observe and accept the sensations you feel in your body.
Practice scanning your body for pain and tension? In the Meditation Moments app you will find several body scan meditations, which you can do at different times. The Evening body scan and Body scan before sleep you can easily listen to from bed.
3. Visualization
An image that often occurs during a visualization exercise is that you receive new energy from the earth while lying on the ground. You imagine white light from the earth filling every cell of your body with new energy. And what better way to receive this energy than to actually lie down?
You can practice any visualization exercise lying down, it just depends on your preference. Close your eyes, focus on your breathing and start the visualization meditation.
4. Gratitude Meditation
Did you know that people who feel grateful sleep better and longer? This is because having positive thoughts has a calming effect on your nervous system, making you sleep better.
Maybe instead of sheep, we should count the things we are grateful for before we go to sleep. A gratitude meditation helps you dwell on the good things in your life. Try the gratitude meditation in the evening to end your day with a nice, warm feeling.
5. Sleep Meditation
This may not come as a surprise: sleep meditations are specifically designed to help you fall asleep naturally and may be best practiced in bed.
Meditation before sleep creates the opportunity to let go of your worries of the day and give a place to everything that happened that day. In the Meditation Moments app, you'll find several sleep meditations in the sleep well category. Choose a meditation, press play and completely unwind.
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