Do you often wake up at night and then get frustrated because you can't go back to sleep? This is a recognizable situation for many people. Turning and tossing in bed, waking up at 3 a.m. and feeling like you are only half asleep are signs that you are sleeping restlessly.
Sleep deprivation or a lack of deep sleep can have serious consequences for your mental and physical health. Feeling like you haven't had a good night in ages can cause irritability, gloom and even depression.
Do you recognize yourself in the above situation? Read here about the possible causes of restless sleep and what you can do yourself to sleep better.
What to do about restless sleep
Although insomnia and restless sleep are partly genetic, you can make your own adjustments that will help you sleep better during the night.
1. Improve your sleeping habits
Checking your e-mail before bed, going to bed at irregular times and putting your phone next to your pillow are all examples of bad sleeping habits. If you want to sleep better, it's important that your brain associate your bed with sleep (and not wakefulness).
Do you often wake up early in the morning and then fail to get back to sleep? In this case, it is important that your brain does not link early morning to "being awake. So wait to do stressful or active things until later in the morning. In fact, if you grab your laptop at 5 a.m. to answer emails, you are sending a signal to your brain that you should be awake at that time.
Do you wake up too early (or even in the middle of the night)? Then you're fine reading a book or writing down your thoughts. If you find yourself feeling angry or irritable because you can't continue sleeping, writing down your thoughts can also be a nice way to reassure yourself.
2. Reduce stress
Is stress the reason you are constantly tossing and turning in bed? Then it is important to look for ways to reduce stress. Meditation, yoga and breathing exercises all help reduce stress.
Is stress keeping you from sleeping? Here are some tips on how to still fall asleep when you are stressed.
A regular evening routine can also help you relax before bed (dim the lights, light candles, read a book or do a meditation).
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3. Move enough during the day
If you want to sleep better, it is important to move more during the day (especially in the morning). More exercise during the day allows your body to relax better when it is time for bed.
4. Provide a nice sleeping environment
In addition to your sleeping habits, your sleeping environment is also important. Make sure your bedroom is cool, dark and quiet. Dim the lights at least an hour before you go to sleep and don't take your laptop and phone to bed with you.
Why do I sleep restlessly?
There are a huge number of factors that affect the quality of your sleep. Sleep problems, physical pain and mental complaints can all cause a restless body in bed.
Stress and feelings of anxiety can cause restlessness in your mind. This can cause you to toss and turn more in your sleep and make it impossible to go to bed relaxed. Grief, negative thoughts and worries can also make it difficult to find the rest you need to fall asleep.
Furthermore, there are other factors that affect your sleep. You probably know that it's not wise to drink coffee later in the day or that it's better to leave that glass of wine alone if you want to sleep well. In fact, stimulants such as caffeine, nicotine and alcohol can disrupt your sleep cycle.
Do you sleep restlessly and wonder if this is having a negative effect on your health? Check with yourself how you feel during the day. Do you fall asleep with difficulty or have trouble getting up? Do you feel tired during the day? Do you have difficulty concentrating? Do you need caffeine to get through the day? Do you wake up several times during the night?
Why do I wake up at 3 a.m.?
Waking up at 3 a.m. is not unusual. Many people wake up in the night and fall back asleep immediately. But when you fail to fall back asleep, it can be tremendously frustrating. Stress, light sleeping or other health conditions can all cause you to wake up in the middle of the night.