How to fall asleep fast? 8 tips

How to fall asleep fast? 8 tips

24 maart 2025
how to fall asleep fast

Everyone has a bad night once in a while. It's too hot in your bedroom, noises from outside keep you awake or you've had one glass of wine too many. But what do you do when you routinely have trouble falling asleep or can't sleep through the night? Here are 8 tips for falling asleep.

Why don't we fall asleep?

A good night's sleep is incredibly important for our health. Sleeping gives our bodies a chance to recover and prepare physically and mentally for the next day.

And yet, according to CBS, nearly a quarter of all residents in the Netherlands suffer from sleep problems. Some of these reported that poor sleep even negatively affects their daily lives. But what keeps us awake in the evening?

If you cannot sleep, it may be due to several factors. For example, your genes, mental health, diet and lifestyle can play a big role in this.

But the role of technology also plays into sleep problems. We probably all know that our phones can disrupt our sleep. According to the RIVM, if you use your phone an hour before bedtime, you get more sleep problems, such as falling asleep later, waking up during the night and sleeping shorter in general. And yet we often get up with them and go to bed with them.

Even using technology during the day can disrupt our sleep. A study has shown that the more devices we use during the day, the harder it is to fall asleep and continue sleeping in the evening.

8 tips for falling asleep quickly

On average, it takes 15 to 20 minutes to fall asleep. But unfortunately, this is not the case for everyone. Would you like to fall asleep faster? Then we have some tips for you.

1. Create a nice sleeping environment

Your environment is important for a good night's sleep. Make sure your bedroom is not too warm. This can make it more difficult to fall asleep.

17 degrees Celsius is a good temperature for most people to fall asleep at. Of course, the ideal temperature varies from person to person. So look for what you like.

A good mattress and fine bedding are also part of your sleeping environment. Did you know that this can positively influence the quality of your sleep? You can also use an aggravation blanket to reduce body stress. Such a blanket creates a deep pressure on the body that helps you unwind and fall asleep more easily.

2. Meditate

Do your thoughts start racing the moment your head hits the pillow? You're not the only one who suffers from this. In fact, there is a logical explanation for it.

Most of us are busy during the day. We try to keep all the balls high which leaves almost no time for ourselves. It is only when we go to bed at night that we are alone with our thoughts and become aware of this.

How can meditation help with falling asleep?

It is almost impossible to fall asleep when thoughts are racing through your head. Meditation not only helps you fall asleep faster, it also helps you sleep longer. This is because you can sleep better when your mind is calm.

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3. Avoid electronics

Using electronics is not recommended if you want to fall asleep quickly. This is because TVs and phones emit blue light, which causes your body to produce less melatonin. This is the substance that makes you sleepy.

Not only will you fall asleep faster if you remove electronics from your bedroom, but you will also improve the quality of your sleep. Reduce the use of electronic devices as much as possible during the day and try to put electronics away at least an hour before you go to sleep.

If you want to do a meditation before sleep and need your phone for this, put the screen down so you are not exposed to the blue light. If you meditate with the Meditation Moments app, you can download all the meditations so you can play them when your phone is on airplane mode. This way you can meditate quietly without being disturbed by messages and notifications.

4. Follow a balanced diet

Certain foods can cause you to sleep poorly. The following foods are best avoided before sleeping:

  • Alcohol
  • Caffeine
  • Fatty meals
  • Foods high in sugar
  • Spicy food

While it is not wise to eat a heavy meal before going to sleep, going to bed hungry is not conducive to sleep for many either. Try one of the following options if you need a snack to fall asleep:

  • Oatmeal
  • White rice
  • Banana
  • Berries
  • Milk, cottage cheese and yogurt
  • Walnuts
  • Almonds
  • Chamomile, ginger and passion fruit tea

Drinking enough water is also part of a balanced diet. Therefore, as an adult, drink 1.5 to 2 liters of water throughout the day.

 healthy yogurt bowl with fruit

5. Exercise during the day

Exercise during the day will help you fall asleep faster in the evening. You can choose any kind of exercise - as long as you enjoy it. A few options include walking, yoga, running, swimming and group fitness classes.

Aim for at least 30 minutes of exercise a day. Be careful with intense exercise right before you go to sleep. Later in the evening, opt for a low-intensity form of exercise, such as yoga or walking.

6. Optimize your circadian rhythm

The circadian rhythm is a biological day and night rhythm and is also called the 24-hour rhythm. A strong circadian rhythm is important for a good night's sleep. This is because the circadian rhythm tells the body when to wake up and when to be sleepy again.

The following tips will help optimize your circadian rhythm:

  • Go to bed at the same time every day
  • Expose yourself to sunlight during the day
  • Avoid naps later in the day
  • Eat at set times
  • Avoid stress
  • Go outside during the day

You can actually think of the circadian rhythm as your body's internal clock. And if you optimize your sleep-wake cycle, you may also notice an improvement in your energy levels.

7. Listen to soothing music

Listening to music not only helps you fall asleep faster, it's even used to treat chronic sleep disorders.

Not all genres of music are equally suitable for falling asleep with. In particular, classical music and quiet instrumental music make you fall asleep faster. In addition, binaural beats are also a good aid if you have trouble sleeping.

8. Do a breathing exercise

A simple breathing exercise of a few minutes can already help you relax before you go to bed. After all, it is almost impossible to fall asleep if you are not relaxed.

The Meditation Moments app has several short breathing exercises you can do at any time of the day. Try nose-mouth breathing before you go to sleep. This breathing exercise causes your body to relax, allowing you to completely unwind.

There can be several causes that prevent you from falling asleep. The good news is that there are also several ways to unwind, such as meditation, music and breathing exercises, which will make endless sheep counting unnecessary.

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