3 simple breathing exercises to sleep better

3 simple breathing exercises to sleep better

25 maart 2025
Updated on 24 maart 2025
breathing exercises to sleep better

Do your thoughts start racing when your head hits the pillow? You're not the only one. It is almost impossible to fall asleep when your mind is busy. Breathing exercises can be a simple and effective way to provide more peace in your mind and fall asleep faster. Here you will find several breathing exercises that ensure a better night's sleep.

Stress and sleep problems

Stress is the main cause of sleep problems.

When you are stressed, your breathing changes from slow and rhythmic breathing, to rapid and shallow breathing. This "wrong" way of breathing activates the fight-or-flight response in your body. It is almost impossible for your body to relax (and thus fall asleep) at this time.

This means that if you change the way you breathe, you can also change the way you sleep. Proper breathing slows your heart rate and calms your nervous system. Your body receives a signal at such a time that it can relax - ultimately making it easier for you to fall asleep.

Fortunately, learning to breathe properly is not difficult. On the contrary: we were all born with perfect breathing in the past. Sitting a lot in school, tight clothing, traumatic events, injuries, illnesses and stressful situations are all factors that can later cause rapid, shallow breathing.

3 breathing exercises for sleep

If you want to use breathing to sleep better, it's important to choose exercises that help calm your nervous system. Here are 3 simple, slow breathing exercises to help you fall asleep.

Are you experiencing anxiety, shortness of breath or feeling very uncomfortable while breathing? Then take a short break and take a few slow breaths. It is important to build this up slowly. If you practice regularly, you will find that you can hold your breath longer and longer. However, you may experience a slightly uncomfortable feeling or become lightheaded while breathing. If this happens, you can also take a break and take a few breaths at your own pace.

1. 4-7-8 Method

This technique forces your body and mind to focus on regulating your breathing, rather than playing back all your worries from the past day in your head.

How it works

1. Breathe in for four counts through your nose
2. Hold your breath for seven counts
3. Exhale for eight counts
4. Try doing this for a few minutes

2. Extend your exhalation

By focusing on extending your exhalation, you calm your nervous system. This will help you relax and fall asleep more easily.

How it works

1. Inhale for four counts through your nose
2. Exhale for eight counts
3. Try doing this for a few minutes

3. Breathing for inner peace

Unwind your body and mind with this calming breathing exercise.

How it works

1. Breathe in for five counts through your nose
2. Hold your breath for 10 counts
3. Exhale for ten counts
4. Try doing this for a few minutes

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How should you breathe to fall asleep?

If you want to use breathing to sleep better, it is important that you choose breathing exercises that help calm your nervous system. An example of such a breathing exercise is 4-7-8 breathing. This technique forces your body and mind to focus on regulating your breathing, rather than replaying all your worries from the past day in your head.

What are good breathing exercises for better sleep?

Breathing exercises that make for better sleep are:

  1. 4-7-8 method
  2. Lengthening your exhalation
  3. Breathing for inner peace
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